Smart Bandages Nurse Your Wounds

Smart Bandages Nurse Your Wounds

by Nayanah Siva

From the April 2011 issue; published online June 13, 2011

Two new self-medicating bandages promise to keep serious wounds free of infection. Toby Jenkins of the University of Bath in England and colleagues are designing a dressing that releases antimicrobials from nanocapsules when bacterial toxins appear in a wound. The harmful bacteria also prompt the dressing to change color, alerting doctors 
to a potential infection. Jenkins believes a bandage that can spot and treat an 
infection faster than clinicians can will be particularly beneficial for burn victims—nearly 50 percent of all burn-related deaths result from infection. Fewer dressing changes will also reduce scarring and speed healing, he says. The team completed preliminary testing of the antibiotic release response in December and hopes to begin bandage trials on pigs within two years.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,