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Fan Pictures
From Mr Will-W
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Vid Rob signing for fans at 4.15 am
mrwillw "Robert Pattinson burning the midnight oil on Cosmopolis set tonight. No sign of Kristen, guys! ... Yet. Robert Pattinson signs autographs for Fans at 4:15am. Wishes @cosmopolisfilm/debb24601 a Happy Birthday in-person too. Guys, do not believe the rumours, Kristen Stewart was not on-set tonight." More on MrWillw's account here on his blog.
Steve_s2001 "4:15am Robert Partinson signed autographed and took photos with fans after wrapping on Cosmopolis. Pics of Rob to come later. Plus he was on set with a gun again. No sign of Kristen Stewart hanging out in Rob's trailer tonight while he was shooting Cosmopolis last night. Robert Pattinson was nervous & biting his nails before filming his scenes around 3am. Rob is done filming for the night. He will be filming until July 15th. This is the HAPPIEST I have seen Robert Pattinson last night while Joking around with fans at 4:15am. BIG SMILE!!!"
Nicole_cayer "I met Robert Pattinson last night! I know right! I was obviously super excited! He was filming downtown last night! he's filming in toronto! And ya he is, she was with him when we saw him! @mrwillw she was definitely there, I spoke to her last night...@Marma0408 bc we didn't see him when they left. We saw them when they arrived at about 930."
Rob leaving the Cosmopolis set