Grammar nazis get Fryed

Grammar nazis get Fryed

I love Stephen Fry. Love love love. He uses words the way a professional masseuse uses oil. And Matt Rogers, an Australian student, took Stephen’s words and made them even more amazing. Watch this:

Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography - Language from Matthew Rogers on Vimeo.

Stick with it; the ending is really cool.

By the way, I agree with Stephen here. Languages evolve, and at first it may seem ugly, but after a few years you get used to it, and then you look back and wonder what all the fuss was about. I may have to write a big grammar post since I have several thoughts on this topic. Example: the word "whom" needs to be struck from the language. We don’t need it — the word "who" works perfectly well, and it’s obvious from context if it’s being used as a subjective or objective pronoun. Whom serves no actual purpose anymore except to let pedantic grammarians feel superior when it gets misused.


Tip o’ the librarian glasses to reddit.

October 24th, 2010 7:00 AM Tags: , ,
by Phil Plait in Cool stuff | 232 comments | RSS feed | Trackback >

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