800 naked men, women pillow fight - Hindustan Times

800 naked men, women pillow fight - Hindustan Times

Eight hundred men and women in Belgium have shed their clothes and fought with pillows for an art project. The volunteers were posing for the latest nude photo installation by daring U.S. artist Spencer Tunick, reports the Daily Mail. The piece, entitled ‘Sleeping Beauties’ took place in the grounds of Gaasbeek’s Castle in Belgium, 6 miles south of the capital Brussels. Tunick, who specialises in nude outdoor photography, has been taking pictures in unusual locations since he began in 1986, taking pictures of nudes outside Alleyn’s School in Dulwich, South London.

Nude modelsHe began documenting live nudes in public locations seriously in 1995, beginning in his native New York through video and photographs. Since then he has built a large portfolio of work all over the world.

His work in the UK includes taking photographs of 500 nude participants outside Selfridges department store in London in 2003, 700 nudes revellers at the Big Chill music festival in Herefordshire in 2007 and shooting 1,700 nudes on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge in 2005.

His largest ever project showed 18,000 people posing for him in Mexico City’s principal square, called the Zocalo.